También es llamada la Luna de Esturión. En Colombia se podrá ver desde las 6:26 p.m.
Compartir:Por: Redacción ELHERALDO.COTambién es llamada la Luna de Esturión. En Colombia se podrá ver desde las 6:26 p.m.Sxenick/EFE-FOTODELDIA- VIGO (PONTEVEDRA), 19/08/2024.- Superluna del Esturión sobre el puente de Rande anoche en Vigo. EFE/ Sxenick JAVIER BELVER/EFEZARAGOZA, 19/08/2024.- Fotografía de la luna llena de agosto este lunes, entre la calina y las torres de la Basílica de El Pilar de Zaragoza. EFE/ Javier Belver ALI HAIDER/EFEDubai (United Arab Emirates), 18/08/2024.- The full Moon which also called Super Blue Moon rises behind the world's tallest building of Burj Khalifa in the Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 19 August 2024. The world is witnessing this night the first full moon during 2024 which is called Super and Blue moon. The moon will appear with full size for three times again on 18 September, 17 October and 15 November 2024. (Emiratos Árabes Unidos) EFE/EPA/ALI HAIDER ALI HAIDER/EFEDubai (United Arab Emirates), 18/08/2024.- The full Moon which also called Super Blue Moon rises behind a mosque minaret in the Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 19 August 2024. The world is witnessing this night the first full moon during 2024 which is called Super and Blue moon. The moon will appear with full size for three times again on 18 September, 17 October and 15 November 2024. (Emiratos Árabes Unidos) EFE/EPA/ALI HAIDER Thomas Traasdahl/EFECopenhagen (Denmark), 19/08/2024.- The Supermoon over Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 August 2024. A supermoon occurs when a full moon coincides with the time of year when the Moon is closest to the Earth. (Dinamarca, Copenhague) EFE/EPA/Thomas Traasdahl DENMARK OUT Thomas Traasdahl/EFECopenhagen (Denmark), 19/08/2024.- A plane in front of the Supermoon over Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 August 2024. A supermoon occurs when a full moon coincides with the time of year when the Moon is closest to the Earth. (Dinamarca, Copenhague) EFE/EPA/Thomas Traasdahl DENMARK OUT KIM LUDBROOK/EFEJohannesburg (South Africa), 19/08/2024.- A full Blue Moon rises over Johannesburg, South Africa, 19 August 2024. The super full moon is named this way because it is at its closest to Earth and this appears bigger than a normal full moon. There are generally two to four super moons per year depending on the moon's closeness to Earth. (Sudáfrica, Johannesburgo) EFE/EPA/KIM LUDBROOK André Borges/EFEAME1800. BRASILIA (BRASIL), 19/08/2024.- Fotografía de la superluna azul detrás del Congreso Nacional este lunes, en Brasilia (Brasil). La superluna, la primera de 2024, es un fenómeno que ocurre cuando la luna llena coincide con el momento en que esta se encuentra en el perigeo, el punto de su órbita más cercano a la Tierra. EFE/André Borges
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