La dramática travesía por el río de migrantes que quieren llegar a EEUU
Cientos de migrantes centroamericanos cruzaron hacia México por el río Suchiate que separa el territorio mexicano de Guatemala, luego de rechazar ingresar llenando formatos para solicitar refugio ante el temor de ser deportados.
JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, arrive in Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, after crossing the Suchiate River from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by Johan ORDONEZ / AFP)
Cientos de migrantes centroamericanos cruzaron hacia México por el río Suchiate que separa el territorio mexicano de Guatemala, luego de rechazar ingresar llenando formatos para solicitar refugio ante el temor de ser deportados.
MARVIN RECINOS/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, cross the Suchiate River to Mexico, as seen from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS / AFP)
MARVIN RECINOS/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, cross the Suchiate River to Mexico, as seen from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS / AFP)
CARLOS ALONZO/AFPAerial view of Salvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, crossing the Suchiate River to Mexico, from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by Carlos ALONZO / AFP)
MARVIN RECINOS/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, cross the Suchiate River to Mexico, as seen from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS / AFP)
MARVIN RECINOS/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, cross the Suchiate River to Mexico, as seen from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS / AFP)
JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, arrive in Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, after crossing the Suchiate River from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by Johan ORDONEZ / AFP)
JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFPSalvadorean migrants heading in a caravan to the US, arrive in Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, after crossing the Suchiate River from Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, on November 02, 2018. - According to the Salvadorean General Migration Directorate (DGME), over 1,700 Salvadoreans left the country in two caravans and entered Guatemala Wednesday, in an attempt to reach the US. (Photo by Johan ORDONEZ / AFP)
JOHN MOORE/AFPHIDALGO, TX - NOVEMBER 02: U.S. Army soldiers from Ft. Riley, Kansas install protective wire along the Rio Grande at the U.S.-Mexico border on November 2, 2018 in Hidalgo, Texas. U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the troops to the border to bolster security at points of entry where an immigrant caravan may attempt to cross in upcoming weeks. The troops in Hidalgo were from the 97th MP Battalion and had arrived to the Rio Grande Valley the day before. John Moore/Getty Images/AFP
A los gremios del sector les preocupa el retraso y la suspensión de proyectos eólicos en La Guajira. Atlántico, Cesar y Córdoba, líderes en parques solares.
Según académicos y expertos, la situación actual de la entidad podría tener impacto en los estratos más bajos del país y genera menor acceso a la educación superior. Icetex busca consolidar soluciones para financiar a jóvenes del país.